A Q&A Discussion With Doctor Z
Q: So you’re telling me you are a supporter of The Zeitgeist Movement? And your a doctor?
Dr. Z: I’m an oncologist, a cancer doctor. And you asked that as though I should know better?
Q: Yeah, kind of. I mean the Zeitgeist stuff just seems kind of crazy.
Dr. Z: What’s crazy is our current systems and worldviews. We are so out of sync with natural laws that our planet has now become a critically ill patient. A root cause of the fatal sickness is our monetary system. It has become what’s called a dominator hierarchy, which is a very serious pathology which behaves like a cancer spreading throughout a person’s body.
Q: Now you sound more like some rogue economics professor than a doctor.
Dr. Z: Well, actually that happens to be one of my skills…to be able to take higher perspectives, beyond just my specialty in medicine, to zoom far enough out to see the bigger picture.