Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Q&Z: On Beliefs and Being Wrong

A Q&A Discussion with a Homeless Guy Named Zack

Q. I can’t believe I’m talking to a homeless guy about beliefs.

Z. Hey I didn’t hit you up. You came up to me man.

Q. Yeah, cause I saw what you’re reading and couldn’t believe you were reading the same book I am, Being Wrong 1. Wow, maybe I was wrong about you…no pun intended?

Z. Slightly. You assumed I was a crack-head, or that I was demented, or, at the very least, unintelligent, right?

Q. Uh…pretty much.

Z. I am indeed homeless, but I’m not unintelligent. I can’t buy much, but I can get all the books I care to read at the library for free.

If you have the time—I certainly do—I want to talk with you about some things that have been on my mind lately.

Q. Uh, you mean besides the problem of being homeless?